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< 2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees(GKS-G) in the USA >

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

@@@ Read surely and thoroughly the attached application guidelines @@@

@@@ Please be sure to meticulously follow the instructions above to minimize potential

disadvantages during document verification @@@

1. Program Objectives

    Global Korea Scholarship is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea at graduate-level degrees, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.


2. Total Number of Grantees in the USA: 21 candidates including 4 for Overseas Korean


3. Available Universities: 65 universities in Korea designated by NIIED


4. Available Degree Program: Doctoral Degree, Master's Degree, Research Program


5. Eligibility

  o Nationality: Applicants and their parents must not hold Korean Citizenship.

  o Age: Applicants must be under 40 years of age(born after September 1, 1984).

  o Degree Requirements: Applicants must hold or must be expecting to hold

a Bachelor's or Master's degree by February 29, 2024.

       * Also, applicants who are expected to graduate by July 31st, 2024 can apply for

the program with a certificate of expected graduation certificate(or diploma) and

final academic transcript to GKS Center, NIIED by July 31st, 2024. Failure to do so

will result in the cancellation of your acceptance.

  o Grades: An applicant must maintain the overall grade point of average(CGPA)

equivalent to or higher than any ONE of the following;

   [2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4.3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale,

3.23 on a 5.0scale, or score percentile(80% or above)]

  o Health: An applicant must be in a good health, both mentally and physically,

to study in Korea for the full duration of the program.

 6. Required Documents

  o Applicant Form (Form 1)

  o Personal Statement (Form 2)

  o Study Plan (Form 3)

  o Research Proposal (Form 4) ONLY applicable for Research Program applicants

  o One letter of Recommendation (Form 5)

  o Letter of Invitation (Form 6) ( Issued by the research program university)

  o GKS Applicant Agreement (Form 7)

  o Personal Medical Assessment (Form 8)

  o Consent to Collect and Use Personal Information (Form 9)

  o Bachelor's/Master's Diploma or Certificate of Degree or graduation certificate

  o Bachelor's/Master's degree Transcript

  o Applicant's Proof of Citizenship

  o Parents' Proof of Citizenship


  * Please refer to the attached application guidelines for some other documents

for relevant applicants to submit. 

**  For the 1st round, all certificates can be submitted without an Apostilled,

regardless of the GKS-G guidelines. However, successful candidates will be

obligated to obtain and present Apostilled Certificates after the interview results

have been declared by the Embassy of the United States on March 18th.

*** Applicants must submit 1 set of original application documents and 3 sets of

photocopies, identical to the original set. Total FOUR sets of documents must be

combined by a paper clip/binder clip each. (Do not use stapler to bind them.)

And you can send all the documents in LETTER-SIZE papers regardless of the official

guideline, too.

**** Applicants in the USA should submit the required application documents to the

Korean Education Center or Korean Consulate General while referring to the

contact information in the USA below.(Current students refer to the states

according to enrolled college/university, and others to the states of residence.)

***** Applicants in NY, NJ, CT, DE, PA should submit the required application

documents to the Korean Education Center of New York (460 Park Ave FL 9, New

York, NY 10022)

****** Application documents must be submitted in the order of the

checklist(‘Application Checklist’) on the first page of the application forms.

7. Contact Information in the USA


  o Korean Education Center in Washington DC: 202.939.5681,, MD, WV, Washington DC)

  o Korean Education Center in New York: 646.674.6051/6047/6022,, NJ, CT, PA, DE)

460 Park Ave. 8th FL., New York, NY 10022

  o Korean Consulate General in Los Angeles: 213.385.9300(ext.202), 213.736.6527, (South CA, NV, AZ, NM)

  o Korean Education Center in Chicago: 847.777.8832/8831/8832, (IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI, MN, MI, NE, ND, SD, OH, WI)

  o Korean Education Center in Houston: 713.961.4104,

    (TX, OK, AR, LA, MS)

  o Korean Education Center in San Francisco: 415.590.4058/4057, (North CA, UT, CO, WY)

  o Korean Education Center in Atlanta: 770.686.3949,

     (GA, FL, AL, NC, SC, TN)

  o Consulate General of the Republic of Korea(Boston): 617.641.2830, (MA, NH, RI, ME, VT)

 o Consulate General of the Republic of Korea(Seattle): 206.441.1011~4, (WA, OR, AK, ID, MT)

 o Consulate General of the Republic of Korea(Honolulu):  808.595.6109,


8. Timeline of Application Procedure

 o Application Submission(NY, NJ, CT, PA, DE) : till February 29th, 2024

o All the application documents must be sent by mailing to Korean Education Center of

New York.(No email)

  • Address:   460 Park Ave. 8th FL., New York, NY 10022


9. Please refer to the attached guidelines for detailed information.

    * Application deadlines for some offices may be different, so please check the notice

of each Korean Education Center or Korean Consulate General.



1. Guidelines

   2024 GKS-G Application Guidelines (English)..pdf


2. Application Form

   2024 GKS-G Application Forms.pdf

   2024 GKS-G Application Forms.docx


3. University Information

2024 GKS-G University Information


©2024 by Korean Education Center of New York

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